David Toyer speaks to the Lake Stevens Sewer District in September 2021, highlighting the challenges of growth management and providing insight into how this next round of GMA Comprehensive Updates will affect communities and sewer districts.
Tag: comprehensive plan
What’s a CPP and Why Should You Care?
Long before new development breaks ground, local governments adopt policies that guide how they will plan and encourage development to happen. The policies are called Countywide Planning Policies or CPPs for short. And if you are at all concerned with how the County and your City get developed, you should want to know more. Now […]
What Do You See?
Looking at this picture, what do you see? You may see a typical suburb. Or a small town in flyover country. Both answers would be correct! However, when we look at the picture we see: The commuting patterns that are impacted by zoning decisions The small business that is trying to get a building permit […]
Another Example of How We Add Value to Projects
Whether you are a community, economic development organization, real estate developer or expanding business, our land use and economic development expertise can add significant value to your projects. Here’s an example of value we’re adding to a project by changing the land use and zoning. On a 6-1 vote Wednesday night, the Auburn Planning Commission […]