Category: Real Estate Development

How Much Could GMA Change?

In the years since the Legislature commissioned the “Roadmap to Washington’s Future” a group of planners and agencies have been working to develop an overhaul to the Growth Management Act (GMA). Although the 2021 legislative session is anticipated to be about budgets and COVID, some legislative leaders are keeping the door open to consider bold […]

Lacey LI-C Zone Community Meeting

Toyer Strategic is working on behalf of HBBP, LLC to propose amendments to the Lacey LI-C zone to allow for an increase in building size if additional requirements are met (including wellhead protection, retention of existing industrial buildings, etc.).  Learn more. As part of the public engagement for this proposal, we joined the City of […]

What Do You See?

Looking at this picture, what do you see? You may see a typical suburb.  Or a small town in flyover country.  Both answers would be correct! However, when we look at the picture we see: The commuting patterns that are impacted by zoning decisions The small business that is trying to get a building permit […]

Approved: Hawks Prairie Logistics Park

Last night the Lacey City Council approved the master site plan and wetland development permits for Hawks Prairie Logistics Park, a 130-acre industrial development that will feature three buildings totaling 1.9 million square feet of industrial space.  The main building on the site will house a new Home Depot distribution center. Our firm played an […]

Toyer Supports Proposed Logistic Park

This week, Toyer Strategic successfully held a community meeting with property owners adjacent to a proposed logistics park in Lacey, Washington. Toyer is one of the project consultants supporting the entitlement of the Hawks Prairie Logistics Park – a project that would create around 1.9 million square feet of warehousing and distribution space on 131 […]