David Toyer speaks to the Lake Stevens Sewer District in September 2021, highlighting the challenges of growth management and providing insight into how this next round of GMA Comprehensive Updates will affect communities and sewer districts.
Category: Government
Interview with NWIRC on Entrepreneurs & Zoning
Understanding How City Plans Fail
In my experience a City’s successful implementation of a plan depends greatly upon a their reaction to and investment in the actual elements of the plan. For successful implementation to occur, a city must be mindful of the tendency for its performance to ‘default’ to status quo (generalization and avoidance), substitution (solving a less complex […]
The problem with being a “Great Place to Live, Work & Play”
Toyer Strategic Leads Forum in Spencer, Iowa
Toyer Strategic Consultant was in Spencer, Iowa yesterday continuing our work with the Grow Spencer Commission to create Spencer’s new economic development strategic plan. The day concluded with a community forum where David Toyer made a presentation on the economic development planning process, the core planning components within the strategy, some of the targeted industries […]