Our founder and president, David Toyer, has started a blog/newsletter/occasional podcast focused on zoning and land use. Please take a minute to subscribe:
Toyer Gains Approval of 108 Acre West Reynolds Annexation
On a unanimous vote at their March 14, 2023 meeting, the Centralia City Council approved an annexation of 108.96 acres consisting residential, light industrial, and highway commercial zoned properties. This vote was the final step in the process for the annexation, which began in November 2021, and it opens the door for Toyer Strategic to […]
States With Lowest Individual Tax Burdens
A key element to economic development is workforce attraction. And much like businesses select future sites based on those area’s potential tax burdens, individuals also look at things like cost of living and tax burden in deciding whether to move for a job/career change, etc. The data below is from a recent article about the […]
Toyer Helps Amend Vancouver Warehouse Moratorium
At the end of 2022, the City of Vancouver adopted an emergency moratorium on warehousing and distribution projects, arguing that the city was seeing too many large warehousing projects and were concerned about traffic, climate change, low employment density, etc. Toyer Strategic, working with several clients and local business organizations, completed outreach to the city, […]