Tag: clients

Another Example of How We Add Value to Projects

Whether you are a community, economic development organization, real estate developer or expanding business, our land use and economic development expertise can add significant value to your projects.  Here’s an example of value we’re adding to a project by changing the land use and zoning. On a 6-1 vote Wednesday night, the Auburn Planning Commission […]

Toyer Strategic Leads Forum in Spencer, Iowa

Toyer Strategic Consultant was in Spencer, Iowa yesterday continuing our work with the Grow Spencer Commission to create Spencer’s new economic development strategic plan.  The day concluded with a community forum where David Toyer made a presentation on the economic development planning process, the core planning components within the strategy, some of the targeted industries […]

Finalizing the Skykomish Plan

On October 17th our firm held an implementation work session with the Skykomish Town Council and members of their Planning Commission.  The goal of the work session was to prioritize economic development goals in consideration of the Town’s budgeting for 2019, as well as the connections between multiple goals and tasks requiring additional coordination. The […]

Rhodora Annexation Hits 60% Milestone

On July 19th, the Lake Stevens City Council approved Resolution 2018-018, accepting the 60% petition for a 103-acre annexation known as the Rhodora Annexation.  The approval sends the annexation forward to the State Boundary Review Board for a mandatory 45 day review.  If during the 45 day review period no jurisdictions request the board invoke […]