Lake Stevens, WA. On Tuesday night the City Council unanimously approved Ordinance 1041 to annex approximately 100 acres into the city – an action our firm initiated and supported on behalf of landowners in the annexation area.

About Our Role
Our firm was retained by our client in September of 2017 to complete an analysis recommending if an annexation could be successful and by what method. After studying parcel data (acreage, valuation) and voter registration data in the area, we concluded that the best approach was the Direct Petition Method. Further, we used our research to identify an annexation area meeting the location and boundary criteria in state law.
We were subsequently retained to secure signatures for the required 10% and 60% petitions (based on % of valuation in the annexation area). To complete this task, we developed a communications strategy to provide answers to the most common questions about annexation. We utilized a combination of direct mail, door hangers and door belling (see examples to the left).
We successfully gathered the 10% and 60% petitions, negotiated applicable zoning and indebtedness, completed the required State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist, and prepared exhibits and narratives to be included in the official “Notice of Intent” to annex filed with the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Snohomish County (BRB).
The annexation was challenged by a group of residents. However, the annexation was unanimously approved by the BRB and an appeal of the BRB’s decision was dismissed by Snohomish County Superior Court.
For more information on the annexation, see visit our project page.
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